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¨ Replied dad and pushed his cock to her anus again but mum was against it. Pushed dad from the bed by her legs and went to take a clothes. She was angry and disgusted. ¨No anal you freak.I told you so many times this hole is not for your cock!¨Dad apologized to mum but she was still so angry. Standing at the mirror with her clothes in hands, covering her tits.Dad came to her from behind and bend her over, so much over that she dad to left clothes and touch the floor to not fall to her head. Now she had her ass so high in the air.¨No anal I promise honey¨said dad and took his hard cock back to mum pussy.This position makes her really wild. She was moaning and screaming to more and more soon.When dad started to moan as well mum realised he's close to cum.¨Don't cum inside, I wanna give you a titjob ok?¨ Dad gave her just few minutes of hard thrusts and pushed his cock out¨Come baby, show me what you can do with your big tits.¨ Mom turned around and stuff his cock beween her big tits. We flew out to Reno, Nevada and had our ceremony in one of those wedding chapels Reno is often known for (besides the casinos). The service we selected was one that actually offered a 'cuckold wedding' ceremony; complete with vows specially tailored for such an occasion. What was more, and for an extra fee, we chose to include two Bulls who would accompany Cindy and I back to our hotel and 'consum; listen;mate' our new marriage as a cuckold relationship. That meant that I would not be having sex with Cindy, but that the two Bulls we had hired, would!As I think back on this (two years ago now) one of the strongest memories I have of that special day is seeing Cindy's face as we stood together as the minister officiating the ceremony recited their lines. I glanced at Cindy, squeezed her hand, and as I did, she turned to look at me---and she smiled. But it wasn't just a smile. There was more to it than a simple facial reflex that most smiles are. There was something---eager, even.
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